Saturday, November 22, 2008

Here's Hoping

Texas Tech v Florida

It’s amazing how little enthusiasm for college football there is in New York. It’s mind boggling. Maybe it’s because the nearest squad is Rutgers. And they kinda suck.

As I’m from Florida, the collegiate football capital, I gladly assume the role of College Football Guru. Screw Lou Holtz’s crazy ass and every other expert on ESPN. I got you covered.

What do you want to see with your college football season? Chaos. Complete chaos. You want to see Murphy’s Law go to town on the BCS. You want to see Florida lose to Florida State, and then for UF to beat the shit out of Alabama. Do you rank a 2-loss SEC champion ahead of a 1-loss at large team? You want to see Oklahoma beat Texas Tech, then Missouri upset whoever wins the Big 12 South in the title game. You want to see every top team have at least one loss. You want to see Penn State lose to Michigan State, and if the BCS will be tempted enough to put Ohio State in a third straight title game. You want to see Oregon State win out; and see a 1-loss, top 5 ranked USC team possibly not play in the BCS at all.

But that isn’t going to happen. Because it won’t happen, and because a playoff is nowhere in sight, we must have Florida versus Texas Tech in the title game. We NEED to see this matchup in the title game.

Why do we need this game? Because it gives you everything you could ever ask for in a football game: OFFENSE. Defenses need not apply. What would the over-under of this game be? 120? 130 points? This game will be 42-38 by halftime. Tebow will have 300 yards passing and another 150 rushing. Graham Harrell will throw for at least 700. What else could you ask for?
Ask for Peter Warrick reeling this one in, despite pass interference, and leading the comeback victory against Va Tech in the 2000 Sugar Bowl.

Ruminations about college football:
  • Nothing, absolutely nothing, screams college football more than the state of Florida.
  • As a kid I wouldn’t dare wear blue during the last week of November, lest someone mistake me for a Florida Gators fan. In high school I placed bets with my History teacher over college those rivalry games. To this day I still have an irrational hate for Danny Wuerffel. And Jacquez Green. And Doug effing Johnson. Needless to say I was a huge FSU fan.
  • Once I left the state the passion for the rivalry also left. It’s really hard to care about UF versus FSU when I’m 600 miles away in a basketball state.
  • Even with my undying hate for Wuerffel et al, I root for Florida teams in general. And Southern Cal. I visited that school, it was dope. Smoking hot student body, but the police choppers cruising overhead on visitation weekend proved a little unsettling.
  • Back up running back for Florida, Jeffrey Demps, ran a 10.01 100 meter dash. In high school. He is faster than you.
  • If you think rooting for more than one team from my state makes me a bad fan, Go Eat a dick.
  • I can think of two that can go eat a dick right now: Oklahoma and Ohio State.
OU beat the Seminoles in the'01 title game. AND Jason White won the Heisman…Seriously? That’s like nominating Richard Nixon for inclusion on Mount Rushmore. The ass whooping they got in the Orange Bowl righted the wrong.

OSU shit the bed in two straight national title games and were gifted another against Miami. And yet, the team and its fans maintain a ridiculous sense of entitlement.

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