Saturday, November 15, 2008

Down The Rabbit Hole

I went to school in the South. And live in New York. Up the coast I go. I’ll be in Montreal by the time I’m 26.

When blogs were first becoming popular—before succumbing to corporate hackdom—I thought they were dumb. But now that everyone has them, they must be cool, right?

I think I have an undiagnosed case of ADD. Which sucks. Because I’m missing out on a ton of Adderall.

I like sports. Like love sports. Maybe I should blog about sports. But here’s the thing about blogs. They’re oft written by experts (thanks corporate America), and over devoted amateurs who wish they were experts. Like people who spend their Saturday nights watching a rain delayed World Series game until 2 in the morning then immediately post about it. I love sports, but would rather spend my weekend going out.

There are tons of stuff I'm going to write about. But that stuff requires research, editing, and just too much thinking for a Saturday night. That will all come later.

Here is the blog. About everything that pops into my head long enough for me to type down.

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