Thursday, November 20, 2008


The Chrysler building can be seen from as far south as Bowling Green and as far north as Jankee Stadium (soft J, fool.)

It can probably be seen from further reaches but I have no need to ever go to Brooklyn or the Northern Bronx. Ick. I got a little sick just typing that.

Look in the middle of the picture. See that small, tapered, cone of light? Thats it. As seen from The Stadium

And I bet you thought I was posting a picture of darkness. I'd just upload the poster for Blade if I wanted to do that...

...Because Wesley (Nestlé) Snipes is very swarthy fellow, you see.

For my 3 readers, more posts to come later. Now, I'm telling you what song I'm listening to. Yeah, thats right, I know your entire day hinges on knowing what is playing on my iTunes at this exact minute.

Listening to: Dawn of the Dead by Does it Offend You, Yeah

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