Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Turkey's Eve, Eve

Bitter Cold

I slept with no socks on last night. It was great. I woke up this morning and I wasn't shivering. Never in my life have I been so happy to see a 40 degree morning. I don't know if you've been in 25 deg weather, but it makes a 40 deg morning feel like a sauna. So joyous was I that I left for work without my gloves. MISTAKE.

Even though it was warm(er) by the time I got to work my hands looked like I had just finished putting up drywall. By the time I had ducked out to the pharmacy to buy myself some St. Ives I was dropping the "I just spent my morning kneading dough and doing handstands through a sandlot" line to defend myself.

The moral of the story? Cold weather = dry skin. Moisturize. Lotion: it isn't just for waxing your dick on a lonely night, it also hydrates your skin. It's a veritable panacea. It's the cure for whatever ails ya, as long as your ails are dry skin and blue balls. I still don't get people who don't moisturize.

Fast Fact: St. Ives is also a seaside village on the southern coast of England.

Más Sarah Palin
You've probably seen the video of Mrs. Palin giving an interview while a turkey gets its head sawed off in a grinder. Pretty funny. Check it out here.

Not gonna lie to you guy(s), I'd saw. Palin that is. I'd do her just to hear what she sounds like. Seems like she can barely speak correctly when she's focusing on it, I'm really intrigued to hear what she sounds like while catching a stiff D. My guess? Something like "ooooyeeeaahooooyeaaaahooooyeaaabetcha." I would absolutely die if I heard that.

Coming Soon:
David Guetta. Dope
To O(h)NO (name of the blog, fyi): a 4 part comparison between all of the top cities in America. And by top cities I mean DC and NYC, the only two which I've recently visited. Two cities enter, one survives.

Listening to: Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin. If you can't appreciate this song you've failed as a person.

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