Saturday, December 20, 2008

Take Money, Get Money Money

This picture is so sexy. So, so, sexy. It gets my dick hard. Yeah, Econ gets me excited. Or maybe it’s that professor who taught that Econ class junior year. She was smoking. An absolute fox. Or was smoking. I honestly wish we had crossed paths with her being 30 years junior.

I took AP Lit Senior year in high school. Eccentric, insightful, and funny all describe my teacher. And old, definitely in her early 60s. And hot. Seriously. About a month into class I theorized (and staunchly defended myself) my English teacher to have been a beauty in her younger years. Disbelief, my friends displayed, and numerous arguments proceeded.

Until one day in the spring semester when teacher needed a substitute for a few days. Out went the sexagenarian, in came her second year at University niece. Teaching a room full of second semester seniors. Whom had already been accepted into college. I know you made the assumption already, but she’s hot. Like “I’d love to stay behind after class to rewind that video for the fifth period class while you call your boyfriend” or “I’d love nothing more than to bend you over that overhead projector” type hot. Then look away when you realize she overheard you and is eyeing you down with that “awwwk-waaaard” look on her face.

From the Associated Press

Oil Sinks to Four Year Low

“OPEC yesterday agreed to slash 2.2 million barrels from its daily production – its single largest cut ever – while bloc outsiders Russia and Azerbaijan announced their own cutbacks of hundreds of thousands of barrels from the market…

...Crude oil sank to $40.20 after the announcement, a level not seen since the summer of 2004”

Look at the picture above and pretend like my motor skills aren’t shit and I can draw straight lines. I’ll spare you all the basics you already know. But If you’re an erudite citizen and astute observer of 60 Minutes, or if you’re just too lazy to change the channel after the 4pm football game, you’ll know the Saudi’s – and OPEC et al. by proxy – aim to keep the price of oil at $75. That would be represented by P1Q1, a price where oil producers can reap the profits of rectangle D+E+F+K+J+I+H. As well as create deadweight loss G+L.

Oil is not at $75. And since prices can’t arbitrarily be raised – the Y-Axis is the dependent variable, fool – OPEC must decrease output. Peep the block quotes, yo. They decreased production and instead of price rising up to P2 they actually dropped.

The demand for oil is changing, decreasing. Maybe everyone fears a recession in which oil consumption vastly decreases, or maybe everyone’s just afraid of being unable to unload their oil contracts…and possibly having to take physical delivery of thousands of barrels.

So what does this mean? It means Busta Rhymes is NOT getting that Arab money. Because the Arabs aren’t getting money at all! Oil isn’t as profitable (for the time being) as it used to be (a scant 7 months ago). Busta’s song came out at a trough in oil prices. WHAT A JOKE. Hey, Busta, next time you want to extol the virtues of getting Middle Eastern money, make sure there is still money to be gotten in the first place.

Unless he’s talking about distributing some Middle Eastern vein candy: heroin. There may be money in that, I don’t know. All the baseheads I’ve talked to have already substituted away from heroin to the much cheaper, more attainable, and much more American drug of Crystal Meth. All you need is a gallon of Clorox, battery acid and a bath tub! It’s so simple, anyone can make it.

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