But man, I was reading some old posts...and this site is beyond garbage. It's pure trash. It's not like it happened on purpose, but I don't think I can produce any worse content had I tried. Really, it's like US policy in super fast forward. It started out promising was good for a while but then hit the G. W. Bush administration and completely fell apart. Except this blog was never that good. That being said I'm taking a step in the right direction and writing about legitimate, thought provoking topics.
In the next post.
But now we're going to play GUESS THE ETHNICITY.
In this inaugural version, I describe someone with whom I interacted with and you, my faithful reader(s) will guess his/her ethnicity. Here goes
Yesterday while standing in line to buy chap stick at CVS (it's damned expensive) I was behind a woman with golden hair. Which matched her 4 inch long golden acrylic fingernails. I impatiently watched while she bought not 2, or 3, or 4 but 5 packs of Newports. Newport Lights actually, because you have to go low tar when smoking menthol death sticks.Guess away.
Thisiswhyyourefat.com. Splendid website. There really are a wide array of culinary concotions out there.
Like this. Looks innocuous enough right? Like a donut. Guess what it is?
Deep fried balls of pure Lard sprinkled with sugar. But yo, it's low carb!
This looks decent, but I'm a big fan of the "triple bacon cheeseburger with deep fried patties as buns." Tasty.

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