Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Milk's Gone Bad, Charlie Murphy

The Milkshake Has Gone Bad!

Nasir Jones and one Kelis Rogers are getting a divorce. Her milkshake just wasn't tasty enough to keep Nas in the Yard.

There's nothing exceptional about this story, nor do I care about the personal lives of these two. Except maybe for Kelis being 7 months preggers. Tough time to be getting divorced, ya think? That and she forgets she doesn't wear underwear.

I just really wanted to use the milkshake line. I was also considering "I Drink Your Milkshake" from There Will Be Blood, but that makes no sense.

Peep the actual divorce documents HERE. How is this public? Did Vibe have someone staking out a courthouse just watching for celebrities to walk in and out? If you work as a court clerk and came across this paper, is your first instinct "I'm a sell this to Vibe!"?

If it is, I'm 100% positive you say "I'm a" and not "I'm going to." Because, let's be real, if you're putting people's private information out there like that you're kind of a douche. Or Selena Roberts aka Super Douche.

1 comment:

  1. There's supposedly a Kelis sex tape that may have taken place during their marriage. Its disputed but i still think she's a slore.
