Saturday, March 14, 2009


Dear Facebook,

Way to take the worst aspect of your website and make it the focal point. Everyone's homepage is now dominated by status updates. Thanks, Mark. Hey, random dude #1 is "Thawing Chicken." No fucking way! My life is complete because I now know this. Or how about random dude #2 who has "sunburn and razorburn" or the girl who is "returning some videos." Knowing all this information just made my day a whole lot more fruitful! Note: those are all actual status updates on my friends list. Weird that I see three given I only have two friends.

At least now people will be able to see how they update their statii (I know that's not correct, it looks sweet) multiple times and will maybe stop doing it. Be real, you know you it's going to suck when you see one person locking down your facebook with 7 updates a day.

I guess people actually enjoy status updates -given the popularity of Twitter. But taking the weakest portion (and you know it is) and centering your website around it doesn't make much sense. That's like giving the rapper with the worst flow in a camp the big money s0lo deal. It'd be the equivalent of giving Yung Joc* a solo deal; or throwing money at anyone from Dipset not named Cam'ron...Oh right, those events actually happened.

In any case, Facebook can do whatever it chooses to. It's here and no one is going to leave it. Everyone freaked out when it expanded to high school, but accepted (or were forced to accept, what else is there, MySpace? fuck that). Then everyone freaked out when they let the un-educated plebian non-students join. But everyone capitulated, again. The site hit 100 million users last August and is averaging 374,000 more per day. Jesus. I remember when I was a young lad and there were literally 8 schools on there and everyone still used Webshots for photos. Facebook is becoming the Wal-Mart of websites.

Farhad Manjoo of Slate, a good writer at a web magazine entirely too full of itself, states Facebook is now a social instution, akin to using deoderant or having a cell phone.

The site has crossed a threshold—it is now so widely trafficked that it's fast becoming a routine aide to social interaction, like e-mail and antiperspirant. It's only the most recent of many new technologies that have crossed over this stage. For a long while—from about the late '80s to the late-middle '90s, Wall Street to Jerry Maguire—carrying a mobile phone seemed like a haughty affectation. But as more people got phones, they became more useful for everyone—and then one day enough people had cell phones that everyone began to assume that you did, too.
Entire article HERE.

So what do you think, do you view people without Facebook the same way you do people who eschew Old Spice?

*I actually enjoy Yung Joc and his music, but if he isn't, technically and lyrically, the worst rapper from Boyz N Da Hood then the group should be disbanded and Diddy deposed. How can you sign anyone significantly worse than Joc to a deal? Shit man, sign me.

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