Friday, April 17, 2009

This week's bumblefuckery from Texas

*Note: From now on I'm posting immediately after Baby J, solely to bury his posts. Can't stand the motherfucker.

I know, there are thousands of reasons to hate Texas, it's a relatively easy target. But every so often, even the most horrendous entities outdo themselves and it's actually worth reporting. Not because the story is surprising, but just because the event falls below the low standards I already set for it. And besides, now that Bush is gone and Texan stupidity has been upstaged in the media by the idiotic ramblings of All-star dumbasses such as Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann, it's good to see our dear Texan morons back in the news.

In the past week both Rick Perry, the governor of texas (I'm no longer giving it the dignity of capitalization) and a representative from its state legislature (Betty Brown) managed to make complete asses of their state (or I suppose their soon to be nation according to rick perry). Impressively enough, Betty suggested that Asians change their names so that they are "easier for Americans to deal with." Whoa!
And no, I don't care if what she said was offensive. In fact, not to be outdone, I'm going to counter Betty Brown's racially insensitive quote with a racially insensitive point of my own: Can you think of a single Asian name that's more than one syllable? I mean, try it off the top of your head... just write down the first 5 Asian surnames that come to your head (ignoring Japanese names):


See? I just did it, not one exceeded a syllable (In fact, two of them double as English Words!!!!). And if you want, try the same thing with english names. I bet you'll have at least one pretty dense 2+ syllable name like Stephens or Hamilton in there.

Conclusion: the problem with Betty Brown isn't that she's racist, had she simply said something such as "We can't understand you! Go back to yer country! White power!" to Asians THAT would be perfectly acceptable, even encouraged. She is a texas republican after all, we know she's thinking it. The problem is that she's a complete idiot, and quite possibly, illiterate.

Although, in her defense, she probably ain't never met none of them yeller' people and therefore doesn't know any Asian names first place. But I'm sure she's walked by plenty of Chinese restaurants... and them crazy characters they be writin' with are intimidating.

1 comment:

  1. 1. 6 am?
    2. Are those all girls of girls you have/tried to fuck?
    3. I actually don't know any Hamiltons. You should play the surname game at Sporcle
