Sunday, January 25, 2009

That Answers That Question

White people love them some Gossip Girl.

Never mind that the study is two years old and
GG is not.
The researchers asked the participants, who were white Americans of different ages, questions such as how much they would need to be paid to have television completely taken away from them for the rest of their lives. The majority of people said about $1 million. Comparatively, they were asked how much they would need to be paid to be black for the rest of their lives. The majority answer to that question was less than $10,000.
White people – and I can generalize, given the proper sample size – would prefer a hundred times over to get dirty looks from that blond girl at the bar because she doesn't think you're hitting on her, but trying to rob her, than give up watching The Wire? Haven’t they seen The Wire? Being black isn’t easy.

The respondents definitely got this idea implanted into their heads by watching too much television. It’s not all about being a pro baller, or Tiger, Barack, or Weezy F. It’s about having your resume passed over, or having 1/3 of the wealth despite earning the same income – thanks in part to de facto segregation and repression of value in housing. Or Rodney King.

White Americans are blind to the cost of being black
You don't say?

Maybe there's a study out there of businessmen who'd rather be women than give up watching The Hills. Despite the glass ceilings, the wage inequities, or the embedded societal stereotypes.

There may be a black president, but society's still caters to you, white folks.

study searches for cost of being black

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