Thursday, January 8, 2009

Live Bloggin' thoughts

Okay, so it isn't really a live blog. There's only going to be one post. I can't write then post then write then post etc. etc. I don't have those kind of multitasking skills. To think, write, and, post. Holy crap, man, what do you want from me? So here the deal. I write what I'm thinking of and I won't go back and edit it. What I write is what I write. Expect typos. And run on sentences. And sentence fragments.

Reason number 1 for loving NYC: Some dudes on the corner in front of the Union Sq. Food Emporium were selling wool and cashmere peacoats. Right there on the street. For $20. How'd they get it? They said they got them at a Lord & Taylor auction...more likely fell off a Lord & Taylor delivery truck.

Reason number 1 for hating NYC: It's cold. I relish 40 degree days now. Weird.

This national championship game has been a boring let down so far. Someone should tell two of the country's highest scoring offenses that no one voted them into this game for defense. Fox's announcers are hilariously awful. "When Major Wright hits you, you'll feel it in a major wrong way."

The Joshua Tree in the winter time sucks. Terribly. Absolutely horrendous. Words can't explain how bad this bar is when there 19 year old summer interns aren't there. You know what kind of girls go there in the winter? Ugly, old 28 year old soon to be cougars looking to prey on the fresh out of college Curry Hill populace. Excuse me, it's Murray Hill, but with so many Indian restaurants it's a wonder the sewage system on the whole east side hasn't been clogged by now.
Back to the J-Tree. I was there hitting on some woman whom I thought to be 40. She had a plasticky looking face w/those eye wrinkle thingies. She was 27. Those years in a tanning bed end up making her face look like a catchers mitt. She should've moisturized. At the end of the night a friend talked me into going back with one of the girls. How did this happen? I don't know. But this kid is fucking convincing. I can't quite remember what happens next. But I remember telling her I was going to Duane Reade to buy some rubbers then peacing out to my house. Nothing better than blacked out subway rides at 5 am; since there was no way in hell a cab was going to stop for me.

New Years Eve was one of the coldest nights I've ever experienced. I'm pretty sure my spit froze in midair. I couldn't get a cab for the life of me. I was thinking of going OJ - picking up a white girl, NOT the killing a white girl part - just to get a cab. At one point I stood in the middle of Lafayette Street while the cabs swerved around me. My friends were incredulous, "what the hell, get out of the street, you'll get hit." No I won't, they'll just drive around me, then I'll catch a glimpse of Machmoud staring me down with the "I know black people don't tip" look of hate in his eyes.

Oklahoma tackles like they were playing flag football. So does Florida. Looks like my 42-35 prediction won't reach fruition.

Every time Chris Brown runs the ball I think of that doublemint song.

Steve Harvey is bald. Goolge it. That immaculate edge-up: FAKE. LIES. All of it. I feel like every truth from my childhood has gone up in smoke. Obviously Mannie Fresh's line about the "Steve Harvey linin'" in Real Big is shot to hell.

This game is playing out like an NFL playoff game. Fight for field position, hold the ball. Then try to make just enough plays to pull it out at the end. Good game, but not the offensive orgy everyone wanted and hoped for. Aaaand the jump pass returns. I can only hope UF holds on and denies Stoops another title. Stopped on 4th down. Wait for it, wait for phantom pass interference call. Looks like UF is going to hold on.

It's funny how everyone shits on Ohio State for sucking BCS games. Don't look now, but Big Game Bob has lost five in a row (LSU, USC, Boise State, West Virginia, UF). Finally everyone can share in my irrational hate for Oklahoma, and realize everyone rated the Big XII way to high. Way to score 60 points OU!!! I like offense as much as the next guy, but a good defense always beats a good offense. USC should've been in this game. Big XII sucks. OU was overrated. Texas was overrated.

Good night children.

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