Saturday, August 1, 2009

Youth Wars

That's Darth Vader next to Harrison Ford (James Earl Jones was only his voice, fool). Chewbacca is the giant dude in the back. You can guess which one is R2D2.

Original image HERE

I wish we could see how long Harrison's and Peter Mayhew's (Chewie) ties are. David Prowse's (Darth Vader) tie is way short. Makes me wonder is short ties were a 70s thing. I've been seeing these short ties around lately, but usually as a function of the dude having some enormo-steroidal knot using half the tie fabric. I'd fuck with a short tie. It reeks of nerdy chic.

I had a stat teacher in high school named Mr. Seaman. His wife was preggers when I enrolled in his class. One day someone in our class suggested he name the child "Chewbacca." Mr. Seaman, naturally, asked the student if this stemmed from their (Mr. Seaman and the student's) love of Star Wars.


We'd be able to call his kid Chewie Seaman.

I must've laughed for the entire class period after hearing that.

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