Friday, December 18, 2009

That Got Weird, Quick

So I'm watching the Maury Povich show, like right now. Where do they find these people? Could they be hiring actors to play out whatever erupts from the producer's minds? Jerry Springer used to do that, but by then they were doing "Strippers abducted by UFO" stories. Obvious BS.

The stuff on Maury sounds...plausible. And it's always, always, one simple premise: "Are You The Baby Daddy!?!?!?!?" They will never, ever, run out of people to put on these shows. Well, maybe if people stop having sex. Sometimes they'll switch it up. From the vanilla "are you the daddy?" to the exotic "did you father both of these women's babies?" to the saddening "I got 6 babies by 7 women" ( yeah, I said 6 by 7, you figure out how that works).

Meet Jamar (note: I made this name up)who was brought onto the show not by one, but by two separate women. Both of whom claim Jamar to be the baby daddy -ohhh, snap!

Pleas of "He's the only person I ever slept with" and "I'm 100% sure he's the daddy" are met by

"You stank ass tricks, I ain't nobody's baby."

Maybe Maury should spring for some grammar lessons in addition to the paternity test. Jamar is indeed the father, D'oh! Dude is screwed.

But here's the kicker....

Wait for it.....

The two girls -not women, girls - are cousins. Gross. Not from the dude's standpoint (Hey man, I just boned to cousins!) but from everything else. Look at the babies.

We're first cousins (once removed) AND half siblings. Yayyy!!!!

Gross. Is there even a spot on the chart for that?