Sunday, June 28, 2009

Russia to Exploit Africa, Denigrate to Boot.

Get it, get it! Denigrate! Get it! They’re going to insult it by making it black. Jokes on them, Africa’s already black.

Welcome to the game Russia, what took you so long? Euromericasian countries have been anally raping the Motherland for years. From slavery to Imperialism in the late 19th century, even up through the 20th century. Here’s a great idea: let’s have the World Bank give African countries loans they can’t possibly pay back for infrastructure projects they can’t possibly work. Power grids to nowhere? A random stadium in the middle of the jungle for one boxing match? Plenty of common sense there.

And there’s all the other stuff you’ve all heard in Diamonds are Forever. And know about Chinese oil companies pumping sweet, sweet crude out of West Africa to fund its pseudo-communist, child labor agenda.

Russia, following the Chinese, is also entering the fuck over Nigeria business. Per this news release

Russia's energy giant Gazprom has signed a $2.5bn (£1.53bn) deal with Nigeria's state operated NNPC, to invest in a new joint venture.

I bet Roman Abramovich is behind this somehow. But that's not even the best part of the story. This is.

The new firm, to be called Nigaz, is set to build refineries, pipelines and gas power stations in Nigeria.

Analysts say the move could further strengthen Russia's role in supplying natural gas to Europe.

That's right, the consortium will go by the name of Nigaz.

I hope this company becomes a public multi-national, I'd buy up that stock issuance in a heart beat. I'd be all about owning shares in Nigaz. And not just because of oil companies' intrepid machinations to make the world even more dependent on oil.

But rather, I would wake up every day and look down at my framed stock certificates and say the same thing Gerald O'Hara did when looked out onto his Tara plantation

"Look at those Nigaz making me money".

Or rather, I would wake up ever day and look down at my framed stock certificates and say the same thing Donald Sterling and Aubrey McClendon, owners of two respective NBA franchises, say

"Look at those Nigaz making me money".

Or rather, I would wake up ever day and look down at my framed stock certificates and say the same thing Gazprom's CEO says while surveying Nigerian oil fields.

"Look at those Nigaz making me money".

Ohh, the irony.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Word of the Week

Fusillade: rapid simultaneous discharge of firearms, a number of shots fired simultaneously or in rapid succession.

It's like this word came out of the GTA: Vice City. Or Menace To Society when that car pulls up at unloads - wait for a - a fusillade of bullets into Jada Pinkett's front lawn. Her kid was playing out there. Also, whenever I read that word I want to pronounce it "fullisade." Yay, dyslexia. Plus it sounds better.

So...the end of a bukkake video could described as a fusillade of...forget it.

Guess what article contained this beautful (in terms of euphony, not literal definition)word?

A Newsweek article about Mexico! Spring Break 2010: Vice City.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Meat Pie

Oh yeah, definitely need to try this one